So im gana love you
So im gana love you

“Thank the gods” Arthur whispered as he brushed back Merlin’s sweaty hair from his brow, “You’re finally awake” Suddenly feeling like he couldn’t breathe, Merlin unexpectedly found himself sitting up, opening his eyes as he desperately gasped for air-Ī pair of callused hands framed his face, and thanks to the dim lamplight of the bedside table, Merlin recognized Arthur, alive and well, looking at him with concern. Someone was shaking him, calling his name. “If only you hadn’t been a rotting, deceiving, bastard liar” the blond continued to say, voice cold, “It wasn’t Mordred, it wasn’t Morgana, it was you, Merlin- your love killed me” he sneered, “Merlin the murderer” “No, Arthur, I didn’t-” Merlin hiccuped, shaking his head, “Arthur, no- please- no-”

so im gana love you

“It will be your fault” Arthur repeated, blood starting to drip from his mouth, nose, and eyes, “You did this to me” “No” Merlin cried, falling unto his knees, “No-” Merlin turned around, finding him back in his chainmail, dripping wet….Īnd with a gaping wound on his left side that kept growing. “And it would be your fault” Arthur calmly said from behind him. He wasn’t even there anymore, the clearing in which they had been now surrounded my eerie mist. “Yes, Merlin, yes-” the king growled, “You honestly thought you saved me?! LOOK AT ME!” he demanded to know, forcing Merlin up until their noses were touching, the raven gagging at the smell of rotting flesh, “LOOK AT WHAT YOU’VE DONE! YOU BETTER GET USED TO IT” Arthur laughed, almost as maniacally as Morgana, “IT WON’T BE LONG, LOVE-” he mocked as Merlin stared, horrified, “UNTIL I LOOK LIKE THIS!”Īnd suddenly Arthur dropped him, and when Merlin came back into himself, Arthur wasn’t a rotting corpse. “It’s your fault Merlin” Arthur snarled, maggots coming out of his mouth as he kept applying pressure while Merlin whimpered and choked out his name, begging for him to stop, “Look what you’ve done!” The undead king growled, raising his hands to the raven’s throat and starting to choke as he stumbled onto his back. The warlock began to shake his head, tears falling down his eyes, “You killed me” “You killed me, you know” Arthur spoke in a thunderous voice. “No” Merlin whispered, suddenly feeling like he couldn’t breathe, “No, no- Arthur, no, NO!” he screamed, eyes burning as he crawled to him, “No- no please- I just got you back- no, PLEASE NO- ”Īrthur suddenly turned to look at him, and Merlin screamed in fright as the unseeing eyes of his king stared directly into his. He dropped the tarts, horror creeping out on him as he stared at Arthur.Īrthur, who’d been fine a minute before, lying comfortably on the blanket-Īnd now laid deadly still, eyes open and unseeing as maggots crawled around his rotting skin. “Thank you” the raven said while grabbing the treats, turning around, “You shouldn’t ha-”

so im gana love you

Merlin grinned as he found it under the lemon tart, with a post-it note that read ‘For Idiot’. “I’m feeling lemon today” Arthur replied from behind, “I packed a blueberry one for you” he added. “Would you like the apple tart or the lemon one?” Merlin asked as he peered over the picnic basket for the desserts.

So im gana love you